Surround yourself with people who challenge you and see how many opportunities present themselves.

Having moved around to 3 countries and dozens of cities in my life, I have come to understand that the best moments in life lie just past fear and the unknown. By putting yourself in uncomfortable situations, you give your mind the opportunity to learn and grow, to be stronger and more adaptable to change. When I started DJ Mellax, I simply wanted to pursue a passion for creativity and innovation. Every year I look back on the previous year and found myself continuously pointing out specific people who challenged the values and methodologies of the company to get it where it is today. Davis Rave Co. emerged because of the talented and passionate group of people involved in the team encouraging a new endeavor.

I absolutely cannot wait to see what lies ahead.


Caden Velasquez


DJ Mellax, Davis Rave Co. and associated enterprises will serve to innovate and advance the execution processes of live events. We will operate on the grounds of diverse thinking and collaborative teamwork to offer comprehensive and detail-oriented production and operation value, ensuring the success of our work and satisfaction of our clients.


To set the stage for freedom, love, and wonder.


In our daily operations, we strive to embody the foundational values of Safety, High Ambition, Collaboration and Curiosity